
Monday, December 2, 2013

Online Limits

Daddy controls the time I spend online. Usually when he's home, it's his time and family time. No blogging, surfing the web, or hanging out with my writer friends on Facebook. There's more time and flexibility for that during the weekdays and sometimes even during the evenings. But weekends are different. There's shopping, cleaning, and church. Daddy and I have a 'date night'. Any sewing I do happens on the weekend. Sometimes I get time to glance at my phone, but never for too long or else Daddy will take it away.

It's a good thing to be semi-unplugged. I enjoy being there in the moment with him and our girls. But I'm also supposed to blog on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, so it's a bad thing for Monday mornings if I don't have blog post already written and scheduled before the weekend.

Like I didn't do last Friday. Eeeeep.

Daddy not only limits my time online, but he also limits (somewhat) what I can do. He moderates this blog and the comments. He tracks where I go online. And he controls what I can do when I'm online too.

I have a habit of googling everything. Sometimes this a very helpful and useful habit. It's research for my writing. It's helped fix the garbage disposal. It makes a great spell check. But every time I get a weird symptom, I also google it. And before you know it I've diagnosed myself with cancer or am convinced I'm having a heart attack. And I know I'm not the only one out there who does this...

This drives Daddy crazy. So much so, that now he's banned WebMD and googling 'health related' topics. Not only that, apparently he's blocked the site too.

He says he would prefer I'd be diagnosed by a real doctor instead of Dr. Aurora.


  1. That's an area where mouse is finding herself spending less and time...Online. As much as she loves her online friends and fellow bloggers -- there are times when it's simply too hard to keep up and comment on everything. That said tho, she does read and your blog full of such honesty is becoming a favorite of hers.


    1. Thanks mouse - that means a lot!

      I get that overwhelming feeling - I used to feel so much pressure to keep up with all my writing friends -- blogs, twitter, the dozen or so facebook groups. It was very overwhelming to the point I don't think I enjoyed it at all. Being forced to limit online time has made things much more peaceful and enjoyable - both when I'm online and when I'm not.

  2. Oh no! You made me laugh though because I do this too. My best one was when I diagnosed myself with stomach cancer. Turned out I was almost 4 months pregnant. I'd lost so much weight, wasn't ever late and was never sick in the morning so it never crossed my mind.

    1. Lol. I'm glad I'm not the only one. With those symptoms, I'd be thinking the same thing too.

  3. I LIVE online ... seriously. I am never away from computer/phone/laptop/iPad. So I need a Dom (apparently one in real life - not ONLINE) to get me outta cyberspace!! Oh and also ban me from buying boots (I have bought at least 12 pairs this year alone!) .... and limit the Star Wars ... NO THAT WOULD BE TOO CRUEL! :) Hmmmm.

    1. GK - you are hilarious!

      The Star Wars should definitely be a hard limit!!!!

    2. Oh I have had to do that! I have even been threatened with a beating with my own light saber!!!!! o.O (actually it sounded kind of fun though) ;)

  4. BIKSS can't do that. limit my online time i mean. cos he's forever plugged into the interweb too. LOL it's the one thing we have in common. and i thought *I* was bad. somedays i holler at him for looking at his fone WHILE i'm telling him a story! to his credit, he manages to still pay attention to what I'm saying :)

  5. I love your blogs and your thinking ... I won't lie I love webMD ... My medical background it's an awful thing for me to read lol.... I think I'd die if I got banned :) s
